Tag Archives: Buddhist

Buddhist Stories- The Karmic Retribution of Reluctance in Making Offerings and Respecting Parents


Buddhist Stories

Buddhist Stories

The Karmic Retribution of Reluctance in Making Offerings and Respecting Parents


Here is a story in the Avadanasataka Sutra: At the Buddha’s time, in Sravasti, an elderly Brahman’s wife gave birth to a baby boy. Whenever the child was hungry for milk and as soon as the breast milk entered his mouth, the milk would turn bad. It was the same situation whenever he took in other food. Therefore, this had been how he grew up in a semi-starvation state. After he grew up, he beseeched the Buddha for renunciation from household life. Out of compassion, the Buddha approved it.

After the renunciation, other Bhikkhus always returned with a bowl full of food after they went out to ask for offerings. Yet, he was the only one who returned with an empty bowl. One day, it occurred to him that he had to do something for the Three Jewels. Through the physical work, he wished to eradicate his negative karma. He resolved to clean up the monastery and miraculously, the next day, he returned with delicious food. Therefore, he became even more determined to serve the Three Jewels. This way, he got to have food every day.

One day he slept in and missed the clean-up. Sariputra cleaned up the monastery as he passed by. He was very upset about this and told Sariputra, “I only get to eat after I clean up the place. Now, you have done it. I will definitely have nothing to eat today.” After Sariputra heard about that, he said, “It is no problem. I will go to the city and get food for you.” After he went to a layperson’s house, the couple happened to be in a quarrel. He returned with an empty bowl. The next day, Sariputra told him that an Elder had made a meal offer to the Buddha and the Sangha. The Buddha would take them along. After they arrived at the Elder’s home, everyone’s bowl was full of food, except his. They had missed filling up his bowl. He went to inform the owner about his empty bowl, yet no matter how he yelled out to the owner, somehow, he never could hear him.

After Ananda knew about this, he felt sympathy for him. He volunteered to get food for him the next day. Ananda was known as the first in memory, yet, this time, he totally forgot about his promise. On the fourth day, he finally got a bowl of food. However, on his way back, a dog ran to him and spilled the food. Venerable Maudgalyayana also had learned about this. The following day he went out and got the food for him. On his way back, he took a break under the tree. All the birds in that tree flew down and ate up the food in the bowl. Venerable Maudgalyayana singed, “In spite of being the first in supernatural powers, I also cannot do much due to his heavy negative karma.”

Sariputra could not bear to see this. He made up his mind to find food for him. The next day, he went out and got a bowl of food. When he got to the entrance, the door which used to be open suddenly shut closed with a bang. The bowl of food was hit by the door and spread all over the floor.

Until the seventh day, the Bhikkhu had not taken a bit of food still. He cried out of sorrow and shame. He ended up eating the sand and died. Everyone was amazed by what had happened. They went to the Buddha and inquired about the karmic condition of the Bhikkhu. The Buddha told everyone, “At the time of Indradhvaja Buddha (Sovereign Sign Buddha), there was an Elder who loved to do good deeds and give donations. He often offered vegetarian meals to the Buddha and the sangha. He also had a son who followed after his conducts. The family property was managed by the father at that time; therefore, the son was not against the donations.

After the Elder passed away, the son inherited the property. He became greedy and was unwilling to give. Other than being unwilling to give to the sangha, he also did not allow his mother to make offerings. However, his mother was frugal and tried to save to give to the sangha. One day, the mother told him, “I have nothing left to eat. Can you spare me any food?” He talked back at his mother, “I gave you food, but you gave it away to the sangha. Why don’t you just go and eat the sand?” Later, his mother died of starvation. Due to the negative karma of reluctance in making offerings and respecting parents, he degenerated into the hell realm after his death. After countless of eons he had finally made his way back to the human realm. In the same way, he still had to go through the negative karmic retribution of hunger and starvation. Because he did not oppose his father making offerings to the Buddha in the past, he then had the karmic condition to renounce in this life time. Nevertheless, because of the heavy negative karma of disrespect to his mother, in this life, he experienced extreme hunger and eventually died of eating sand.

This is the karmic retribution of greed, disrespect to parents, and negative speech. In spite of the fact that he had renounced himself from the household life, he still could not escape from retribution. From this, we learn that negative karma can be very horrifying.

Link: https://goo.gl/X5HZus

#Buddha #Buddhist #Story #Offering #Sariputra

The Dharma of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III has changed my life- when no money, no job, no home, and my dear love gone


when no money, no job, no home, and my dear love gone

The Dharma of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III has changed my life

– when no money, no job, no home, and my dear love gone


It’s a warm sunny Monday in California as I sit in my local cafe and sip my cup of tea. Today, I share my personal journey of pain, suffering and loss and how I have come to experience a joyful and fulfilled life.


I, Patricia Ann Farrell, a disciple of His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III, today will share out of great compassion for all living beings, a personal story of how I transformed my pain from a loss of the dearest love in my life.


In June 2014, I received the news my love, Buddhist brother, musical performing partner, and best friend left this world. I was at my Buddhist temple, Hua Zang Si in San Francisco, CA. As I was speaking to one of the monastics (nun), I received a call that my love had passed away. It was very fortunate to be at my temple when the call came! I could not even speak. I handed the phone to the monastic and went to the Sakyamuni Buddha Hall in the temple. As I cried in shock and pain, I bowed to the visage of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and the solemn 22-foot statue of Sakyamuni Buddha (Disciple of a manifestation of Dorje Chang Buddha) The place I was certain to receive help was from the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in this time of deep pain and suffering! I was overwhelmed with this notion of such a loss. My pain was like a sharp knife in my heart!


I have been learning the true Buddha-dharma of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III for fifteen years and have received limitless blessings over the years which has helped me to transform my heart-wrenching pain into joy and happiness today!


On this day in June 2014, I was told by the monastic, “Patricia, do not worry about your future!” The faith in my heart deep as all the oceans knew this: my pain could not allow me to see through the thick fog of my mind! I knew my journey as a Buddhist disciple of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was going to assist others to liberation and that working through my pain and turmoil was preparing me to do so. Today, I am very clear and certain of this fact!


Almost three years later….I now, share with you deep from my heart, my own truth:


“How can I not worry about my future,” I asked myself. I was on unemployment at the time of his passing with only two months left till I had no money! I would also have to move from our beautiful home and find a new place to live, but how? No money, no job, no home and my dear love gone, all at once!!! My faith, cultivation level and how I would choose to apply my learning from the true Buddha dharma of my Buddha Master, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, would be put to a test. I knew my greatest work as a Buddhist disciple to benefit living beings was about to begin!


I received a call from my brother in Florida, he said: “Sister, come down here and live with us, be here with family!” Sure….I could live in a very big beautiful home, no stress, comfortable and safe. That sounded really sweet. I even considered it for a few days! I asked myself, “how can I possibly go towards safe and comfort when there are so many living beings suffering like myself?” I had the “key” to unlock all of the suffering of the world. It would be selfish for me to throw away this key for even “ONE DAY!” I am so fortunate to be a human in this world and have even greater fortune to encounter the true holy Buddha-dharma of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.


“NO!”, I shouted in my head, ”this is my own karma and I need to clean it up so I may help others.” This was my vow and deep motivation to keep moving forward with a heart of compassion for my own suffering, so that I may deepen my compassion for others! My cultivation, learning the Buddha-dharma from my Buddha Master, volunteering at my temple Hua Zang Si and assisting my community together, brought me the good fortune of receiving financial assistance from my Buddhist brothers and sisters at my temple as well as a place to live, food and an abundance of loving support from the sangha at my Temple and my Buddhist family!  Within three months, I had a wonderful job and my own apartment in a beautiful small community in the east bay!


Today, almost three years later, my financial fortune has increased, my job is wonderful and fulfilling, my community is growing and abundant, my health is good, and my pain has transformed to brightness and joy in my heart! Life will always have its difficulties and challenges, I do experience them. However, I have great joy in my heart knowing I have that “key” – the key of learning the true holy Buddha-dharma of Sakyamuni Buddha and my Buddha Master, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. This is the very true reason I was able to be with my pain and deep suffering while continuing my Buddhist studies, volunteering at my temple and assisting others while re-building my whole life from scratch!


I concluded knowing deep in my heart that others’ suffering is my own suffering.

I am neither different nor better than you,

I am just fortunate to have found the key to unlock the suffering of my own karma!


With a humble heart and deep gratitude to my Buddha Master,

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III,

All Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the ten directions,

My Buddhist brothers and sisters,

The wonderful sangha of Hua Zang Si,


May all the merits from sharing my personal story benefit all living beings whom are my family to have a happy and prosperous life with good health and an abundance of good fortune!


Amitabha Buddha!

With a sincere and humble heart,

Patricia Ann Farrell, a Buddhist disciple of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

May 4, 2017


Link: https://goo.gl/wfcr4o

#DorjeChangBuddha #Buddha #Bodhisattva #Buddhist #Faith

轉發 Revealing The Truth



Revealing The Truth, English translation of 揭開真相 written by Cheng Hui Shi is now available on Amazon:
The narrations in this book are all true stories told by Buddhist nun Cheng Hui Shi; what she saw, heard, experienced, and actually participated in during the twelve years spanning 2001 to 2013. Living inside the home base she was able to observe from a close distance, the Buddha and the True Buddha-dharma. At the same time, she also encountered many people with the titles of venerable one, dharma king, rinpoche, and dharma master. The author observed that many of these people seemed unworthy of their titles. Reflecting deeply on her own doubts and falseness she was eventually able to discover her own hidden obstructions. In 2013, she received an initiation of state practice and was transmitted the dharma of Xianliang Great Perfection.